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Click on the link above for a reall y funny pic, by the way my cat does this too. Haahahahahahha. K talk to evrybdy ltr -The Rams Theatre News

Please go to Theatre awards night, it starts at 6:30 if you want ice cream. The awards start at 7:00 pm, I have been working on the slide show and I promise you it will be fun, - The RAMS Theatre News

An extra thing in this website is that you can click at title taht is a bluish color to got to a page about that specific item, thanks, -The RAMS Theatre News


There are errors preventing me from posting.

There is a huge error in Blogger and it is updating twice that is why there is two of the same entries.

to look at the below articles regarding Rosetown Playhouse auditions and volunteering. Thanks - The RAMS Theatre News

It has become very hard to promote this website because there is no need to go to the website. There is nothing going on in the theatre. Rosetown will start using it but that's pretty much it. I will try posting more things but it will turn to Rostown Playhouse information instead of The RAMS News. I will keep this website and will be updating it as long as I have time in the high-school. I will be very busy but should still be able to update almost every day. I hope you have seen the sheet posted on the theatre board and I hope you start coming to this site more as time goes on. Thanks so much for your support and I hope this website will be up and running for next year. -The RAMS Theatre News

I was amazed at how the show came together in just a week and a half. There was so many great performances and I would like to thank them for all they have done and for stepping up to the plate when others didn't. Thanks to all that attended the Talent Show and for supporting our food shelf. Special thanks to the crew (which included me) for staying after school to prepare. They were there untill 9pm!, they concentrated and amazingly there weren't very many mistakes. anyway I had a great time and it seemed that everyone else enjoyed it too. Againg thanks to everyone that supported this cause and the people that worked very hard to make sure you had a good time. anyway it's 11:34 and i just finished half of my homework so I better go to bed or I won't be able to get up, see ya - The Rams Theatre News (Ryan K)

The RAMS Theatre News would like to thank Laurel W. for getting everyone together so that we could give Mrs. Olsen a gift (money for the curtain fund.) Laurel is a leader and a strong one at that. Thank You Laurel

May 27th at 7:00pm all that were involved in the theatre communiuty are invited to Theatre Award Night for ice cream, slide show of pictures from all three plays. Also there will be awards for those who partcipated, Thank you to all, please attend, it is a cool and enjoyable time -The Rams Theatre News

if you know how to work a spotlight and are free on monday after school until 8pm then e-mail us @ mrs. olsen will serve us pizza. We are looking for people to spot the talent show, thanks a lot - RAMS Theatre News

Volunteer work for rosetown playhouse will begin on June 10th and will continue until August 6th. This will occur in the Rams theatre. this work is to get ready for performances in July and August at the Como Pavillion.

The rosetown playhouse auditions will be at the RAMS Theatre on June 6th and 7th from 6pm to 9pm

We are so lucky to have her at our school. She helps us so much and makes our school a completely different place. A superb place. One that all can rome and have a wonderful time. She makes it enjoyable to go to RAMS. All theatre, morning choir, chamber orchestra, orchestra, choir, rosetown, crew, and actors thank you. We hope you have wonderful years at rams.

Right now the RAMS Theatre is holding a school talent show. The show is on Monday May 23rd, 2005 and the price is $1 or a non-perishable food item. This talent show is a food benefit. So please bring as much as you can. Thank You. - Rams Theatre News





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